Available Workshops & Presentations
Does this flow? or Does this make sense to you?
How to share your work with others and get solid feedback
How to write for a specific audience
Frequently asked questions about grammar
How to give feedback others will want to use
Telling the story of your brand
Pomodoro in a nutshell: Everything you need to know without reading the book
Persisting beyond procrastination
What to do when you get crappy feedback
Presentations pitfalls: Showing your boss how smart you really are
Tech-savvy communication for the workplace
When spellcheck is not enough
Using tables, graphs & charts and images to tell a story
Bias-free writing for the workplace
Tips and tricks for writing in the workplace
Business writing for dummies: A refresher course
Social media marketing for your business
Why your website needs a content strategy
Pretentiousness, condescension and sarcasm in the workplace: How not to be a jerk
Stop being your own worse enemy: Avoiding your own writing pitfalls